

2024-01-27T17:15:59+00:00June 16th, 2022|Location: Europe, Iceland|

A mixture of tan to white opaque fragments of mollusk shells along with some purple and gray shell fragments (upper center) accompany the numerous dark gray to black sand grains of volcanic origin...


2024-01-27T17:16:00+00:00June 16th, 2022|Location: Europe, Iceland|

Variably sized light tan, dark tan and white small fragments of sea shells with occasional larger darker fragments characterize this beach that stretches for over 10 kilometers...


2024-01-27T17:16:01+00:00June 16th, 2022|Location: Europe, Iceland|

This sand is a mixture of white, tan, gray and black sand grains. All are smoothly worn from long exposure to wave action. White and tan grains are worn fragments of marine shells...


2024-01-27T17:16:01+00:00June 14th, 2022|Location: Europe, Iceland|

This sand is a mixture of white, tan, gray and black sand grains. White and tan grains are fragments of marine shells. Dark sand grains are fragments of basalt and other metamorphic rocks...


2024-01-27T17:16:02+00:00June 14th, 2022|Location: Europe, Iceland|

Djúpavík, a small village in the Northwest of Iceland in the Westfjords region, consists of seven houses, a hotel and the ruins of a herring factory. In the mid 1930’s Djúpavík...

Tazones, Asturias

2024-01-27T17:16:07+00:00November 27th, 2020|Location: Europe, Spain|

Auturias beaches, such as Tazones in northern Spain, face the Catabrian sea that is the southern part of the Bay of Biscay. The diverse benthic habitat in the Catabrian Sea provides hotspots for biodiversity...

Elba Island

2024-10-06T15:25:49+00:00August 18th, 2020|Location: Europe, Italy|

In terms of geological time, Elba Island is young with variable topographical features. Highly variably sized sand grains originate from geological activity 50 million years ago...

Ramla Bay, Gozo

2024-02-25T21:52:39+00:00July 26th, 2020|Location: Europe, Malta|

The tan color sand consist primarily of compacted skeletal remains of ancient globigerina foraminifera. The surrounding Mediterranean water have contributed additional biogenic components...

San Fruttuoso

2024-01-27T17:16:29+00:00July 25th, 2020|Location: Europe, Italy|

San Fruttuoso beach is a mixture of larger and small sand grains reflecting the minerals of the adjacent Portofino mountainous terrain with occasional biogenic sand grains...

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